Cherry Blossom Season!

Photo of Himeji Castle (姫路城ーひめじじょう) in the background. Himeji Castle is one of Japanese most well preserved Edo period castles that was re-opened after refurbishments in April 2015
Cherry Blossoms or Sakrua 桜 in Japanese bloom only once a year in Japan. This season is 100%, hands down, without a doubt Japan’s busiest season for tourism with hundreds of thousands of people travelling from the four corners of the globe to get a glimpse at Japan’s fabled national flower. The season only lasts a short duration, from the end of March and into the start of April (Usually only around 10 days – 2 weeks) around the central Honshu areas and is a mad rush to book accommodation and all the other necessities. In the end though, all the running around and searching like a mouse in a maze is worth it!
Some revelers enjoying some Japanese ‘Flower Viewing’ (花見ーはなみ) in Ueno Park (上野公園)
As the weather starts to heat up from a long winter, the Sakura trees come to life! A little bit of sunshine and rainfall creates the prefect conditions for these delicate and fragile flowers to burst forth and paint the countryside in glorious pinks and whites. Sometimes in only two or three days a tree will go from bare branches to a vibrant curtain of flowers.
Two photos taken in Kourakuen Park (後楽園) in Central Tokyo
The season moves up through the four main Islands of Japan starting in the southern most island in Kyushu at around the 20-25th of March and moves its way steadily up to the northernmost island Hokkaido in mid April. Some travelers will start in in the south and spend the whole month working their way up through the famous Sakura hot-spots.
Kasuga Great Shrine (春日大社) and it’s famous lanterns under a weeping cherry blossom
One of the hundreds of tame deer that reside on Miyajima Island in Hiroshima (宮島ーみやじま)
I have selected a few photos I took myself on this year’s round of Sakura tour madness to give those of you thinking about participating next year a look at what is in store for you! Despite the fact that I am a terrible photographer I hope that I have managed to capture I sliver of the magnificence that is Japan’s ‘Sakura Season’.
Some of the places that I visited include, Miyajima Island off the coast of Hiroshima, Himeji Castle to the west of Kobe, Kasuga Great Shrine in the Nara Park area, Kourakuen Park and Ueno Park in central Tokyo.
Another shot of a deer on Miyajima Island (Remember to watch all your paper belongings, they’re hungry!)
I hope that these photos seal the deal for those who are unsure about making the journey of a lifetime to Japan during the Cherry Blossom season!
A house situated on the Philosopher’s Path in Kyoto (哲学の道ーてつがくのみち)
NOTE: for those who are thinking about come over, as mentioned, this season is the BUSIEST SEASON OF THE YEAR. Please book as early as possible! The later you leave it, the harder it will be to create the perfect custom experience that will make you fall in love with this amazing country.
Best Regards!
Tour Guide Tom