【熊本県の魅力をインドネシア人へ】/ Bringing the charm of Kumamoto to Indonesian people
株式会社ティ・エ・エスは、熊本県 観光戦略部 観光振興課と協働で、「熊本県おもてなしメニュー」を活用したインセンティブツアーを実施しました。
今回「熊本県おもてなしメニュー」のプログラムを活用したのは 弊社が手配した東南アジアからの大手不動産関係会社のインセンティブ旅行で、水前寺の古今伝授の間でのお抹茶とお茶菓子体験を始め、城彩苑で食べ歩きを堪能したり、熊本城で桜を楽しみながらを散策するなど、60名以上のお客様が大変満足しました。
TAS. Co., Ltd., in collaboration with the Tourism Promotion Division, Tourism Strategy Department, Kumamoto Prefecture, implemented an incentive tour using the “Kumamoto Prefecture Hospitality.”
This time, we used the program of “Kumamoto Prefecture Hospitality ” In the incentive trip of a major real estate company from Southeast Asia arranged by our company, Beginning with the experience of matcha green tea and sweets in Suizenji Kokin Denju no Ma, More than 60 guests were very satisfied, such as eating while walking at Josaien and strolling around Kumamoto Castle while enjoying the cherry blossoms.
We received comments such as “Kumamoto is the best!” and “Suizenji was beautiful!” from the tour participants. It was very well received.
Through such incentive tours, we will continue to promote the appeal of Kumamoto to the world, and strive to further improve our services so that we can attract more visitors to Japan.